Dive into the world of PClayout designgn, Testing circuit simulationon
Dive into the world of PClayout designgn, Testing circuit simulationon with our upcoming workshop! Open to 2nd 3rd & 4th year students from the Departments of Electronicand & Communication Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Join us from March 11th to 13th at Infinity Management and Engineering College, Sagar. Don’t miss out on this electrifying opportunity!
University Road, Pathariya Jaat, Sagar (MP)
Mob. 9575304010, 9713287856, 9993051431
इन्फिनिटी मैनेजमेंट एंड इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज
यूनिवर्सिटी रोड, पथरिया जाट, सागर (म.प्र)
मो. 9575304010, 9713287856, 9993051431
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#placement #JobOpportunity #imecsagar #infinitysagar #infinitycollegesagar #learn
#EngineeringWorkshop #PCBDesign #CircuitSimulation