Infinity Management and Engineering College Sagar’s National Service Scheme Students and Student Unit and Open Unit under the guidance of Honorable Dr. Sudha Malaiya ji, Prime Minister Honorable Shri Narendra Modi ji’s birthday to Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Cleanliness awareness rally and nukkad drama were organized under the cleanliness fortnight campaign. Whose green flag organization chairperson Dilip Malaiya ji gave. From organization to unit God village Babupura, awakened the villagers by acting nukkad for rally and hygiene, in the program three enemies of nature, pouch, foil, polythene. We all have decided to clean the ocean. As many slogans echoed in the program. Guidelines received by My India Portal from RA to Yon volunteers distributed T-shirts, caps, diaries, pen materials to volunteers. Program Student: Unit Program Officer Dr. Moh Ashfaq Siddiqui Student Unit Program Officer Shivangi Jain, Open Unit Program Officer Abdul Tabrez Mansoori, Shiva Guru Ji. The program was led by volunteer Amit Chaurasia. Organization Vice Chairman Mr. Dilip Malaiya ji, Executive Director Mrs. Rati Malaiya ji, Director Dr. Ram Pathak ji and Principal Dr. Navdeep Kaur Saluja ji etc appreciated and congratulated these volunteers from RA. Shivank Chaurasia Sanjay Satyam Chaubey Anjali Kari Hrithik Sahu Khushi Aman along with all the teachers and students made the program successful.