M.B.A. Syllabus & Scheme

[Maximum Marks : Each Paper – 100]

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Sessional : 20, Pass Marks : 40%]


M.B.A. First Semester

Paper No. & Title

101 Indian Ethos & Managerial Economics                                             102 Organizational Behaviour

103 Principles of Management                                                 104 Principles of Marketing Management

105A Financial and Cost Accounting                                       106A Seminar, Term Papers, Minor Project, Viva-Voce & Communication

107A Fundamentals of Computers and Boolean Algebra

M.B.A. Second Semester

Paper No. & Title

201 Marketing Research                                                          202 Personnel Management

203 Quantitative Techniques & Operations Research                              204 Accounting & Financial Management

205 Spread Sheet Analysis and Data Base Management                           206 Seminar, Case Analysis, Term Papers, Minor Projects & Viva-Voc

207 Comprehensive Viva-Voce

M.B.A. Third Semester

Paper No. & Title

301  E – Marketing & Service Marketing                                                 302  Sales & Distribution Management

304  Seminar & Term Paper (Internal)                                                     305  Comprehensive Viva Voce (Internal)


Major – Marketing

603  Consumer Behaviour & Brand Management                                    605  Advertising Management & Promotion management


Major – Finance

702 Merchant Banking, Financial Services & Mutual Funds                    705  Security Analysis & Portfolio Management


Major – Human Resource Management

1002  Organizational Development                                                          1005  Labour Legislation


M.B.A. Fourth Semester

Paper No. & Title

401 Strategic Management                                                                       402 Seminar & Term Paper (Internal)

403 Project Report & Viva – Voce (Internal)                                                           404 Comprehensive Viva Voce (Internal)

Major – Marketing

604  International Marketing

Major – Finance

704 International Finance

Major – Human Resource Management

1004 Human Resource Development

M.B.A. – First Semester

Paper No.: 101

Title: Indian Ethos in Management & Managerial Economics

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I An introduction to values, ethics, morals and religion in the pursuit of managerial effectiveness, value Vs. skills, Values for Indian managers, Relevance of values in management. Secular Vs. Spiritual values in management: A comparative profile of value system of Japan, America & India. Value based holistic concept of management: An Indian Insight into Total Quality Management.

UNIT – II Indian Ethos for Ethico moral management: The Guna, Karma, Samskar theories, Leadership values from Indian thoughts, Giving model of motivation, Work ethos; The Doctrine of work, Creativity: Brain Storming Vs. Brain Stilling (Decision making in silence). Detached Involvement: work ethics Vs. Ethics in Work, Value oriented Stress

free behaviour.

UNIT – III Nature & scope of managerial economics, Basic economic tools, Opportunity Cost Principle. Incremental Principles, Principle of Time Perspective. Discounting Principle. Role & Responsibilities of managerial economist Demand Analysis and forecasting. Price and Demand. Income and Demand. Price of related goods and demand. Advertising and Demand. Demand forecasting: Methods, purpose and factors involved.

UNIT – IV Cost concepts and classifications. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale. Production Function, Cost control and cost reduction. Trade Cycles, Reasons, Stages, Principles and their consequences. Price and output decisions under perfect competition, determination of price effect of time on supply, pricing under monopoly, imperfect competition, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, price discrimination.


M.B.A. – First Semester

Paper No.: 102

Title: Organisational Behaviour

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I Introduction to Organisational Behaviour: Nature of Organisational Behaviour, Perception, Attitudes and Values, Personality, Learning.

UNIT – II Motivation: Basic Concepts and Theories of Motivation, Applications of Theories Leadership: Basic Concepts and Theories of Leadership, Job Design

UNIT – III Interpersonal Communication, Interpersonal Conflict, Coaching and Mentoring, Power & Politics in Organisations

UNIT – IV Foundation of Group Behaviour: Defining and Classifying Groups, Why do People Join Groups, Stages of Group Development. Workshop Behaviour. External Conditions Imposed on Groups, Group Member Sources, Group Processes, Group Task, Group Cohesiveness, Group Decision Making, Group Think, Organisation Culture, Work Stress, Managing Change.


M.B.A. – First Semester

Paper No.: 103

Title: Principles of Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I Management: Definition & Concepts, Management and Administration, functions of Management, (Management process), Evolution of Management thought, the classical theories. Taylor Vs. Fayol in management evolution, neo-classical theory, Hawthorne experiments, decision-making process.

UNIT – II Planning function, types of plans, MBO, Strategies, policies, proceedings, methods & rules, project management, planning & evaluation, feasibility report, planning process major steps in managerial planning, planning under systems approach.

UNIT – III Organizing : Major approaches to Organization theory : Classical approach, the neo classical approach, Systems & Contingency approach, principles of organization, the organization process, Span of control for Supervision. Departmentation, Delegation & Decentralization.

UNIT – IV Directing, Supervision, Communication & Co-ordination, principles of Communication, barriers of communication, Controlling, nature & purpose, control mechanism, planning & control techniques, Budgetary control. 

M.B.A. – First Semester

Paper No.: 104

Title: Principles of Marketing Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I Marketing Management : Understanding its critical role in organization & society, managing the marketing process and Marketing Planning.

UNIT – II Identifying market segments and selecting target markets. Marketing strategies for differentiating and positioning the marketing offer. Developing, Testing & Launching new products & services.

UNIT – III Managing Products through their products life cycle. Designing marketing strategies for market leaders, challengers, Followers etc.

UNIT – IV Managing Retailing, Wholesaling and physical distribution systems. Designing marketing and sales promotion and public relations programs, Organising & implementing Programs marketing programs. Evaluating and Controlling Marketing performance.

M.B.A. – First Semester

Paper No.: 105A

Title: Financial & Cost Accounting

UNIT – I The basic accounting principles books of accounts, journals ledger etc. adjustment entries trial balance, preparation of trading account, profit & Loss Account.

UNIT – II Final Accounts, the Balance sheet, Responsibility Accounting.

UNIT – III Cost Accounting; Objectives of cost accounting, methods & techniques of costing, elements of cost, Cost Sheet-Output or Unit costing.

UNIT – IV Contract costing, application & features, Costing procedure, Process costing, Reconciliation of cost and financial statement, Cost Audit.


M.B.A. – First Semester

Paper No.: 106A

Title: Seminar & Term Papers, Minor Projects,

Viva-Voce & Communication

Max. Marks 100, Minimum Pass Marks : 40%

The Seminar & Term Paper shall be based on various practical Exercises which, shall comprise of tutorial work, carry home tasks, debates, paper writing, case competitors group discussion, week and conferences and surveys, management games, role-plays, workshops presentation, extempore and prepared speeches, library assignments, company studies project assignment etc. The wieghtage of these items will be announced by the teachers concerned in consultation with the Professor & Head/Dean, F.M.S. The plan for the semester will be announced separately. The topics

of the selected shall be from all the subject that are being taught or any other general topic of academic importance. Marks may be awarded on the basis of total performance of the examinees, for which the scheme of examination and evaluation shall be notified by the Professor & Head /Dean, F.M.S. The evaluation is to be made externally out of 100 marks.

In Additional to above, students are supposed to use library’s reference section of the Departmental and Central Library along with the latest journals, their back volumes, periodicals and cases discussed during the classrooms sessions. Students are supposed to update this knowledge with the new arrivals and study materials distributed in the classroom session. Visiting Faculty/Consultants do at to new knowledge to which the students should acquaint themselves with. Workshops, Group Discussion and Seminars are the additional sources of Knowledge.


M.B.A. – First Semester

Paper No.: 107A

Title: Fundamentals of Computers and Boolean Algebra.

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I            Computers – An introduction – Computers in Business; Elements of Computer System Set-up; PC Software Packages – An introduction Disk Operating System and Windows.

UNIT – II           Text Processing Software, Introduction to a spreadsheet Software; Creation of spreadsheet applications; Range, Formulas, Functions, Data Base Functions, in spreadsheet; Graphics on Spreadsheets.

UNIT – III          Data file – Types / Organizations; Master & Transaction File; Relevance of Data Base Management Systems and Integration of Applications.

UNIT – IV          Data Communication and networking, Hardware, required for Networking, Media for networking, Concepts of Internet, Emailing, Cutting and net-meeting. Introduction to ecommerce and Web-page designing.


M.B.A. – Second Semester

Paper No.: 201

Title: Marketing Research

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I  Introduction :  Conceptual framework, nature, scope, importance & limitations of marketing research, Marketing Research  Process, Marketing Research Agencies. Some special techniques of Marketing Research.   

UNIT – II   Meaning, objectives & Types of Research, Criteria of good research, Research approaches, Research Designs in case of different types of research. 

UNIT – III   Sampling & sample design : Essentials of good sampling, steps in Sampling Process, Sampling methods. (Probability & non-probability). Data collection methods; Questionnaire design & Interviews.  

UNIT – IV   Statistical methods of Data Collection; Measures of Central tendencies, Mean, Median, mode, Quartiles, Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean deviation, Standard Deviations & their Coefficients, Correlation Analysis. 


M.B.A. – Second Semester

Paper No.: 202

Title: Personnel Management 

. [Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I   Nature of Personnel Management, Qualities of a Personnel Manager, Functions of Personnel Management, Human Resource Planning : Process, Short Range and Long Range Analysis, Job Analysis, Job Evaluation. 

UNIT – II   Recruitment & Selection Process, Psychological Testing, Interviews, Placement & Induction, Promotion, Demotions, Transfers, Separation, Absenteeism & Turnover. Employee Training, Employee Discharge. 

UNIT – III   Performance appraisal, traditional methods & modern methods of appraisal, Wages & Welfare Administration.  

UNIT – IV   Industrial Disputes Settlement, Trade Unionism, Unfair Labour Practices, Grievance Handling Management, Discipline Management. 


M.B.A. – Second Semester

Paper No.: 203

Title: Quantitative Techniques and Operations Research

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I   Index number, construction of index number, base shifting, splicing of two index number senses, uses and limitation of index numbers.  Time series analysis : Variation in time  series, Trend Analysis, Cyclical variation, Seasonal variation, Irregular Variation in time series, Trend Analysis, Cyclical variation, Seasonal Variation, Irregular Variation. 

UNIT – II   Linear Programming Formulation LP problem, characteristics of LP problem, solution by graphic method, general LP problem.

UNIT – III   Transportation and Assignment Problem. The general structure of the problem, solving transportation problem, methods for initial feasible solution : VAM (Vogel’a approximation method), N-WCM (North west corner method, I.C.M. (Lowest cost entry method). To find optimal solution: Modified distribution method, SSM (Stepping stone method), Assignment problems.  

UNIT – IV   Replacement Decision Replacement of capital equipment that deteriorates with time, replacement of equipment’s failing completely, replacement of staffing problem.  Simulation of management systems : Monte Cario method, Random number generation, waiting line simulation, Inventory simulation model. 


M.B.A. – Second Semester

Paper No.: 204

Title: Accounting & Financial Management

Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session: 20 Pass Marks: 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I   An overview of Management Accounting : Nature and functions Statement of Financial Information and changes in Financial Position, Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statement preparation, Financial Analysis, Evaluation of a firm’s earning Power.

UNIT – II   Standard Costing and Variance Analysis, Cost Volume-Profit-Analysis. Decision making costs and marginal analysis.

UNIT – III   Nature Scope & Objectives of Financial Management, function of finance, Capital Structure, meaning & determinants of capital structure, sources of capital shares, debentures, long-term loans, retained earning, financial leverages.

UNIT – IV   Techniques of financial analysis, Determination of ratios, Liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios, capital budgeting process, methods of investments evaluation. Working Capital Management, cash & receivables management, Divided policy meaning & significance of dividend policy, forms & dividend.


M.B.A. – Second Semester

Paper No.: 205

Title: Spread Sheet Analysis and Data Base Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT – I   Introduction of MS-Excel’97: worksheets – structure, components, saving, opening, printing, formatting the worksheet, Working with Charts: Creating selecting the values, saving, loading and printing, Data Retrieval: Filter, Pivot Table, Working With Functions – Mathematical, Statistical and Financial.

UNIT – II   Database Management with MS Access: Building and database editing & editing records, deleting records, sorting and finding records, Concepts of Table, Query, Form, Reports, Macro and module, Create table, Data types and its properties.

UNIT – III   Forms : Creating & editing, Searching the database, sorting the database Editing and Modifying the database, Designing the custom screen display, working with Wizard, Query, Designing and execution of query.

UNIT – IV   Report : creating and printing formatted reports, Designing and different views of reports, Utility of reports, Concept and Primary and Foreign key in database, Relationship : Create and define the utility, managing multiple data files, Making decisions, Designing and developing programs, Debugging techniques, managing numbers and dates.

Computer Laboratory Practical Training 

 The course is designed to impart intensive training to the students in computer operations. It shall cover practical training in software packages through project works & assignments on MS Excel, MS-ECCESS. That shall be decided from time to time by  the teacher(s) concerned and approved by Head of the Department.


M.B.A. – Second Semester

Paper No.: 206

Title: Seminar Case Analysis, Term Papers,

Minor Projects & Viva-Voce

Max. Marks 100, Minimum Pass Marks: 40%

The Seminar & Term Paper shall be based on various practical Exercises which, shall comprise of tutorial work, carry home tasks, debates, paper writing, case competitors group discussion, week and conferences and surveys, management games, role-plays, workshops presentation, extempore

and prepared speeches, library assignments, company studies project assignment etc. The wiehgtage of these items will be announced by the  teachers concerned in consultation with the Professor &Head/Dean, F.M.S. The plan for the semester will be announced separately. The topics of the selected shall be from all the subject that are being taught or any other general topic of academic importance. Marks may be awarded on the basis of total performance of the examinees, for which the scheme of examination and evaluation shall be notified by the Professor & Head / Dean, F.M.S. The evaluation is to be made internally out of 100 marks.


M.B.A. – Second Semester

Paper No.: 207

Title: Comprehensive Viva-Voce

Max. Marks 100, Minimum Pass Marks: 40%

 M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:301

Title-  E -Marketing & service Marketing

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I Introduction to the Resources of electronic Marketing. Electronic Marketing Resources that can be integrated into the traditional marketing process. Value added uses and perception to the product and service of E-Commerce.

UNIT-II Marketing Planning for online Activities e-marketing mix elements of electronic Ps.

UNIT-III Electronic marketing implementation, Electronic marketing mix strategies. An introduction to the internet, various preparations in the process of electronic marketing and e-commerce. The future of online electronic marketing resource, Ethics of Electronic marketing, long term marketing relationship, securing on the E-marketing site.

  1. Ongoing customer communication. 2. Customer profile and data management

UNIT-IV Services; Service Sector and Economic Growth, Service Concept, Characteristics and Classification of Service, Challenges in Service Marketing, Applications of Service Marketing: Marketing of Financial, Hospitality, Health, Educational and Professional Services, Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, Creating and delivering services: Planning, design, development and delivery of services. Product support services. Relationship Marketing concept,  process and importance.


M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:302

Title: Sales Management & Distribution Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-1  Introduction: definition, objectives, Functions and classification of sales management, setting under the marketing concept interdependence of salesmanship and advertising. The sales organization  : purpose principles and policies of sales organization, setting up of the sales organization structure, planning of the setting factors.

UNIT-II   Sales forecasting sales strategies and policies determining the size of the sales force, sales territories, routing and scheduling, controlling the selling effort sales budget and budgeting procedure quota setting and administration.

UNIT-III   Management of  sales force  :  personnel problems of sales Management, recruiting and selecting training and  development motivating salesmen, sales meetings and compensating sales personnel, evaluating and supervising salesmen.

UNIT-IV   Distribution   :  Design  distribution channel, management of channels and cooperation, conflict and competition, vertical and Horizontal marketing systems. Objectives, order processing, warehousing inventory, transportation organizing for physical distribution trends in distribution: customer oriented supply chain, and internet as a medium for order processing.


Major Specialization : Marketing Management

M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:603

Title: Consumer Behaviour & Brand Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UINT-I    Introduction: the application of consumer principles to strategic marketing, consumer Research. Consumer psychographics. The nature of consumer Attitudes: structural models of attitudes, the measurement of attitudes. Social class and consumer behaviour: the measurement of social class. Lifestyle profiles of the social classes. The influence of culture on consumer Behaviour : characteristics of culture. The measurement of culture. Personal influence and the opinion leadership process: measurement of opinion leadership.

UNIT-II  consumer decision making: four views of consumer decision making – Economic man, passive man, cognitive man, emotional man, A model of consumer decision-making. Comprehensive models of consumer decision making: Nicosia model, Howard-sheth model, Engel-Kollat- Blackwell model. Sheth family decision making model. Battman’s information – processing model of consumer choice, sheth-Newman-Gross  model of consumption values.

UNIT-III  Diffusion of innovation : the process, the adoption process, A profile of the consumer innovator. Consumer behaviour Application for profit and non-for-profit service organization : the marketing of services. Marketing Ethics and public policy considerations: the social marketing concept, Ethics in marketing.

UNIT-IV  Brand management : branding concept, brand identity, elements of  branding, brand decisions, brand portfolio, creating brand : brand personality, brand image, brand equity, managing brand equity through brand loyalty, brand Awareness, perceived quality, and brand Associations, branding strategy, brand extension decisions, Evaluation of brands.


Major Specialization : Marketing Management

M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:605

Title: Advertising Management & Promotion management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I    Introduction: Definition, Objectives, Functions and classification of advertising, Advertising as communication process : advertising versus other forms of mass communication, planning the communication programme, the communication mix, building of advertising programme : copy, strategy, message, Advertising appeals, AIDA concept.

UNIT-II    Advertising media: general and special characteristics of different media, media planning. Advertising effectiveness: the rationale of testing advertising effectiveness through opinion recognition recall and inquiry tests and sales measures, measurement of printed media audiences.

UNIT-III  Advertising agency: functions of a modern agency, functions of the advertising department and advertising manager, advertising organization. Advertising Budget: Approaches and methods for determining the size of the advertising budget, factors influencing the size of advertising budget, advertising budget procedure, implementation and control of advertising budget.

UNIT-IV  Self- Regulation of Advertising – self Regulation by advertising media. Public Relations & sponsorship marketing, Events Marketing: Goods in Advertising “public” of public Relation, consumer Relations, Dealer Relation, Employee pulsation, modeling, Fashion show, shop Display, E-Advertising. Making of Advertisement Films. Sales promotion: Factors affecting sales promotion, type of sales promotion, sales promotion planning. Direct Marketing: Direct esponse advertising. Tele Marketing, Advertising on Internet.


Major Specialization : Financial  Management

M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:702

Title: Merchant Banking, Financial Services and  Mutual Funds

UNIT-I   Origin of merchant banking, services rendered by merchant bankers, regulation of merchant banking Activity.

UNIT-II  pre-issue Management : preparation of prospectus, coordination, marketing, underwriting Activity.

UNIT-III  Rating Agencies – CRISIL, ICRA, CARE; Depositories –NSDL   : venture capital development of institutional financing –IDBI and ICICI.

UNIT-IV Mutual Funds – meaning and concept, investment Trust companies v/s mutual funds and unit trusts; unit trust of India; SEVI’s Regulations. Types of fund; open End funds; off-shore funds.


Major Specialization: Financial Management

M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:705

Title: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management

UNIT-I   Savings: investment; speculation; types of  Risks;  measuring risks; variances; risk free rate of return;  risk/return trade off; market equilibrium. Portfolio  construction; diversification of portfolios; traditional  Vs/modern theories of portfolio analysis; capital Asset pricing model (CAPM);Beta v/s CAPM; Capital market  line; securities market line.

UNIT-II  Utility of Wealth; portfolio combinations; opportunity  sets; efficient frontiers; portfolio mix and risks; the  efficient market; asset allocations and dynamic hedging, equity research fundamental analysis and country, industry , company; stock selection. Top Down V/s bottom up approach; fundamental V/s technical Analysis; technical Analysis – dow theory; wave theory; Fibonacci golden section; Relative strength analysis.

UNIT-III  Instruments for issue of capital; stock Exchange; prospectus; offer of sale, SEBI guidelines on public issues.

UNIT-IV Stock market- operations, functions, trading and settlement, national clearance and depository system, over the counter Exchange of India (OTCEI), national stock exchange (NSE).stock Holding cooperation of India  limited (shcil), central depository system.



M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:1002

Title: Organisation Development

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I     Introduction: Definition, Nature of Organisational Development; Organizational Effectiveness; Management of Change, Change Agents.

UNIT-II   Underlying Assumptions of Organisational Development; Operational Components of OD; Action Research Model in the process of OD.

UNIT-III  Team building Interventions; Inter-group interventions; Personal, Interpersonal and Group Process interventions.

UNIT- IV   Comprehensive interventions; Structural interventions


M.B.A. – Third semester

Paper No.:1005

Title: Labour Legislattion

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I            1.  Factories Act 1948                                                           2.  Provident fund and Miscellaneous provisions Act 1952

  1. Payment of wages act 1936


UNIT-II         1.      Trade unions act 1923

  1. Industrial disputes act 1947, Object and Scope, Definitions, Settlement of Industrial disputes, Strike, Lock out, lay-off, Retrenchment, Transfer, Closure.


UNIT-III       1. Workmen compensation Act 1923                                     2.  Employee State insurance Act 1948,

  1. Maternity Benefit Act 1961. 4.  Equal Remuneration Act 1976.


UNIT-IV         1.  Minimum Wages Act 1948,                                                             2.  Payment of Bonus Act 1965

  1. Payment of Gratuity Act


Major Specialization : Marketing Management

M.B.A. – Fourth semester

Paper No.:401

Title: Strategic Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I  Introduction to Business Policy And strategic management : Introduction to business policy as a discipline, the nature of business policy, importance of business policy, purpose of business policy, objectives of business policy. Conceptual Foundation in Business Policy: understanding strategy, Defining Strategy, Levels At which strategy operates, types of planning systems. An Overview of strategic Decision making-pattern of Strategic management.

UNIT-II     Mission and purpose, business definition ad objectives: mission and purpose, business definition , objectives and goals.

Environmental Appraisal : concept of Environment, components of Environment, Environment Appraisal :concept of  Environment components of Environment, Environmental Scanning, Appraising the Environment.

Organisational Appraisal: Dynamics of internal environment, organizational capability factors, consideration in organizational Appraisal, Methods and techniques used for  organsiational Appraisal, structuring organizational appraisal.

Strategic alternatives, Grand strategies; modernization strategies, diversification and integration strategies, merger, takeover and joint venture strategies, turnaround, dis-investment, and Liquidation Strategies, combination Strategies.

UNIT-III  Strategic choice: Process of Strategic choice, corporate portfolio analysis, industry, competitor and SWOT Analysis, subjective factors in strategic choice, contingency strategies, Strategic plan.

Activity Strategies : interrelationship between formulation an implementation, issues in strategy implementation, project implementation procedural implementation , Resource Allocation.

UNIT-IV  Behavioural implementation : leadership implementation, corporate culture, corporate politics and use of power, personal values and Business Ethics, social Responsibility and strategic Management.


M.B.A. – Fourth semester

Paper No.:604

Title: International Marketing

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I   Trading Environment: Framework, basis of international Trade – Foreign Trade and Economic Growth. Recent Trends in world Trade – WTO, IMF, world bank – Forms of Economic groupings – Major Regional Economy Groupings.

UNIT-II   Indian Foreign Trade : Indian Trade policy – Recent Trends is India’s Foreign trade Institutional infrastructure for export Promotion in India.

UNIT-III  Identification of foreign Markets : product planning for exports. Export pricing – market Entry and overseas distribution system – promotion promoting products internationally.

UNIT-IV  OVERSEAS MARKET Research : Marketing plan for exports – new techniques in international marketing international subcontracting, joint ventures, counter trade Arrangements. Multinationals. Export documents and procedure.


Major Specialization : International Finance

M.B.A. – Fourth semester

Paper No.:401

Title: Strategic Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I  Introduction to Business Policy And strategic management : Introduction to business policy as a discipline, the nature of business policy, importance of business policy, purpose of business policy, objectives of business policy. Conceptual Foundation in Business Policy: understanding strategy, Defining Strategy, Levels At which strategy operates, types of planning systems. An Overview of strategic Decision making-pattern of Strategic management.

UNIT-II     Mission and purpose, business definition ad objectives: mission and purpose, business definition , objectives and goals.

Environmental Appraisal: concept of Environment, components of Environment, Environment Appraisal :concept of  Environment components of Environment, Environmental Scanning, Appraising the Environment.

Organisational Appraisal: Dynamics of internal environment, organizational capability factors, consideration in organizational Appraisal, Methods and techniques used for  organsiational Appraisal, structuring organizational appraisal.

Strategic alternatives, Grand strategies; modernization strategies, diversification and integration strategies, merger, takeover and joint venture strategies, turnaround, dis-investment, and Liquidation Strategies, combination Strategies.

UNIT-III  Strategic choice: Process of Strategic choice, corporate portfolio analysis, industry, competitor and SWOT Analysis, subjective factors in strategic choice, contingency strategies, Strategic plan.

Activity Strategies : interrelationship between formulation an implementation, issues in strategy implementation, project implementation procedural implementation , Resource Allocation.

UNIT-IV  Behavioural implementation : leadership implementation, corporate culture, corporate politics and use of power, personal values and Business Ethics, social Responsibility and strategic Management.


M.B.A. – Fourth semester

Paper No.:704

Title: International Finance

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I  Financial Management in a global context, recent changes in global financial markets. The Business of payments, components & Balance of payments, deficit & surplus.’

UNIT-II    The international monetary system, introduction, IMF, European Monetary system (EMS), economic & monetary union(EMU).

UNIT-III   International financial markets & Euro markets, an overview of the major instruments, multilateral financial instruments, international financial instruments, international financial instruments, International equity markets.

UNIT-IV   The foreign exchange markets, structure of the foreign exchange markets, currency & internal rate, future contracts, markets & the trading process.


Major Specialization : Human Resource Development

M.B.A. – Fourth semester

Paper No.:401

Title: Strategic Management

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.

UNIT-I  Introduction to Business Policy And strategic management : Introduction to business policy as a discipline, the nature of business policy, importance of business policy, purpose of business policy, objectives of business policy. Conceptual Foundation in Business Policy: understanding strategy, Defining Strategy, Levels At which strategy operates, types of planning systems. An Overview of strategic Decision making-pattern of Strategic management.

UNIT-II     Mission and purpose, business definition ad objectives: mission and purpose, business definition, objectives and goals.

Environmental Appraisal: concept of Environment, components of Environment, Environment Appraisal :concept of  Environment components of Environment, Environmental Scanning, Appraising the Environment.

Organisational Appraisal: Dynamics of internal environment, organizational capability factors, consideration in organizational Appraisal, Methods and techniques used for  organizational Appraisal, structuring organizational appraisal.

Strategic alternatives, Grand strategies; modernization strategies, diversification and integration strategies, merger, takeover and joint venture strategies, turnaround, dis-investment, and Liquidation Strategies, combination Strategies.

UNIT-III  Strategic choice: Process of Strategic choice, corporate portfolio analysis, industry, competitor and SWOT Analysis, subjective factors in strategic choice, contingency strategies, Strategic plan.

Activity Strategies : interrelationship between formulation an implementation, issues in strategy implementation, project implementation procedural implementation , Resource Allocation.

UNIT-IV  Behavioral implementation : leadership implementation, corporate culture, corporate politics and use of power, personal values and Business Ethics, social Responsibility and strategic Management.


M.B.A. – Fourth semester

Paper No.:1004

Title: Human Resource Development

[Maximum Marks: Each Paper – 100, Written 80, Session : 20 Pass Marks : 40%]

Minimum Pass Marks: 40% in Written Examination & 40% in Sessional Examination, Time: Written – 3 Hrs. & Sessional – 1.30 Hrs.


UNIT-I   HRD : Concept, systems and sub systems, goals; Quality of work life; Quality Circles; counseling; definition types of counseling, objectives.

UNIT-II  Performance Management: concepts, motivation and performance, analyzing and improving performance, methods for improving organizational performance – balance score card, bench marking, total quality management, knowledge management.

Reward system: objectives of compensation and reward system, designing reward system

Career planning & development: concept of career, career transitions and choices, career anchors, career problems, organizational strategies for career development.

UNIT-III  Collective Bargaining; workers participation in management : concept, works Committee, joint management council, shop councils, joint councils.

India and international Labor Organisation: objectives of ILO, structure of ILO, impact of ILO on Indian labour issues.

UNIT-IV  Voluntary Retirement scheme; national Renewal Fund; management workforce diversity; international HRM: Staffing, training, compensation; HRD in Indian industry: strategies and experiences.